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Apa yang terjadi dihidup saya bisa jadi pelajaran buat saya dan orang lain, begitupun sebaliknya. Disini berisi tentang musik, film, buku, hingga pr - pr yang saya pernah kerjakan.Jika ada salah, terutama dalam bahasa Inggris saya, maaf ya. Saya hanya ingin melatih dan meningkatkan bahasa Inggris saya ^___^ Teman" sesama pengguna bloggers, dan sebagainya. Jika kamu memasukkan artikel dsb yang kamu copy dari KEPUNYAAN ORANG LAIN, jangan lupa cantumkan sumbernya ya. Itu merupakan salah satu tindakan MENGHARGAI KARYA ORANG LAIN. Selamat menulis ^_^

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Suck Seed's Synopsis

Diposting oleh Ldesycob di 22.44
Hello Bro and sist..
A long the holiday, after I had the test called SNMPTN, I watch some movies. Well isn't a new movie actually. SUCK SEED, is the first movie I watched. The movie is from Thailand (Thai).
The story is about three man, Koong, Ped, and Ex, which student on a senior high school. They made a band because Koong wanted to beat his twin, Kay. Kay was very talented on music.
At first the band is look so bad, but since their friend, Ern, join to the group, it was getting better.
But one day, Koong told Ern that he like her. Ern refuse Koong's feel. She out from the band, and join to Kay band.
Finally, Suck Seed, the band by Koong, Ped, and Ex be the finalist of Hot Music Award. Band by Kay, Ern, and their friends name The Arena become the finalist too.
At last can Suck Seed be the winner?? Watch it by yourself guys. Even the movie take 2 hours, but you will enjoy it. It is not only about friendship, but give many laugh. ^^

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