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Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Death Bell 1 Synopsis

Diposting oleh Ldesycob di 23.13

Hello Buddy ^_^
The third post today!!
Two days ago I have watched a movie, DEATH BELL 1. It starring by Yoon Jeong-hee and Kim Beom. What i think about this movie? Well done.
It wan't easy to guess the story.
At first I though there was a ghost or more in the movie. But!! I'm Totally wrong!!
The people who want to vengeance was did it.
I'll tell you a little about this movie.

There was a class, which fill by smart students. The class was made for prepare the student to join a competition.
At first day they learned, many stranger thing happen
The student who got the 1 rank died, and then the 2nd rank, then 3rd.
What should they do to stop it? They have to answer the question which heard from the speaker.
If they wrong, they will die one by one. The y cant go outside. If someone try to do it, he/she will die to.
At last?? Hmm, I won't tell you how the end. You should watch by yourself. Enjoy it.

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