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Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Review SALT

Diposting oleh Ldesycob di 20.10

Hello Friends, 2 days later Christmas, yeayy!!
While waiting for Christmas, I want to share about a movie. The tittle is SALT, played by Angelina Jolie.

SALT is a good movie. The story is different with another movie and it isn't easy to guess. This is the review.

Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) is a CIA agent. She got married with Michael Krause (German).
At the first anniversary, Angelina Jolie would have a dinner with her husband, but at the office CIA found a man from Russia. He told CIA that a organitation estabilished by Orlov would kill the Russia's President. Beside that, he said that Evelyn Salt was a Russia's spy.

After interogated the man, Salt ran home to find her husband. She knew her husband was unsafe. She kill many people and finally she killed the Russia's President. Then she went to Orlov place and she found her husband. Actually, Salt was an Orlov followers, she killed the Russia's President to make Orlov'people let her husband free. But Orlov people killed her husband in front of Salt. Salt got angry and she killed all the people on there include the boss, Orlov.

Salt became like a terrorist. Every people try to catch her. At the end, Salt know her best friend on CIA, named Winter, was an Orlov follower too.

Did you thought they will kill many people again together? NO!! Finally the movie told us that Salt wasn't mean. She didn't kill Russia's Presiddent. She just made him rigid. When Salt saw Winter were going to active the bomb at the Teheran Mekah, Salt try to stop him. She did it, but when the police came, Salt was arrested but Winter wasn't. But Salt succes kill Winter.

At the end, on the helicopter there were Salt, a CIA agent, and FBI. Her friend on CIA mad and dissapointed on her, for what she did. He didn't believe Salt, but Salt whispered, explained the situation shortly. It made her friend trust on Salt, asked Salt to found and destroy Orlov peoples. So he helped Salt free with unlock her handcuffs. Then Salt jump from the helicopter to the sea.

The End

Well, maybe I'm not really good to explain the movie, but guys, you should watch it I think. And maybe they will make Salt 2.

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