Hello Bro and Sist..
I have told you about Suck Seed, and now I want to tell you about another movie which is created by Thailand People.
Well, as ussual, it takes 2 hours more, but the story is not easy to predicted.
It is about a man who have a tour on a group travelling to Seoul, Korea. In there he met a girl, who helped him when he got drunk. After that time, the man leave the group, and enjoy the Korea site with this girl. But, the don't know each other, even their name. They called them self 'Me', and another name 'You'. A long time ago, after pass many moment, they realized that they fall in love.
But at the end of the journey in Korea, the man met his exgirlfriend, which he asked to marry with him (he ask the ex-girlfriend to marry because of the girl advice). So, did the man marry with his ex-girlfriend? What are they name?
I told you that you will feel very angry, because the end is reallly...
Watch it by yourself guys..
Enjoy Thai Movie..

Another story
Dear God
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Movie Freak
Music's Soul
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À propos de moi

- Ldesycob
- seseorang yang berusaha mencari jati diri, dan mencoba mencari apa tujuan hidup saya
The famoust than
Haloha Everybody ^^ Gw mau share ke kalian tentang salah satu pelajaran yang gw pelajari di Biologi. Yaitu tentang GOLONGAN DARAH. Sebelumny...
Haloha Everybody ^^ Hei, Indonesian People especially the teenagers. ^^ Kalian pasti tahu dong SAYKOJI, tau kan????? Gw yakin banget kalo k...
Hellloo Temann,,, Gw baru selesai nonton sebuah film lagi nih dari Thailand. Judulnya Love Julinsee. Sedikit share aja, film ini menceritaka...
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Selamat menulis ^_^
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
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