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Rabu, 23 November 2011

Oh No!! I am sleepy

Diposting oleh Ldesycob di 10.07
Hello Friends..
Good morning.. (well, now 1:08 AM at Jakarta)

I want to tell you a pasrt story of my life^^

Don't know why, since I at 11th grade, I always ever feel sleepy everyday, especially when I study at the school. I always feel sleepy but not along the day. I feel sleepy just about 40 minutes, maybe at the morning, or at the second lesson, or the third, fourth, or fifth.

But, thanks God, my chairmate, her name is Indri (FYI: She is my class mate since I was on 10th grade, and she was my chairmate since I was 11th grade till now. I am on 12th grade now), she always ready to wake me up. She watch me out and when I look sleepy, she will wake up. She will hit me (it makes me feel sick, but just a little), or makes me suprised, so I will wake up.

Sometimes I can't stay wake up. Cause sometimes eventhough my chairmate try to wake me up, I'm still feel sleepy and then I sleep. Minimal 10 minutes, and maximum along the one lesson (its about 90 minutes).

I don't know why it happen, but there are many disadvantages when I can't stay wake up. I will miss the teachers explanation, and its makes me don't understand the lesson. So, I have to learn it without teachers explanation. Sometimes I asked my chairmate (she is really smart I think) or my classmates (they are smart too), but it makes them get a little busy right??

Is there someone that can tell me, what happen to me, and what should I do?

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